Fewer people die from heart disease than in the past, thanks to increased awareness of healthy eating and advances in treatment. Nonetheless, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States as of January 2022.
Although heart attack symptoms are often the first signs of trouble, the body can also provide more subtle cues that something is wrong. Here is a list of symptoms to consider discussing with your healthcare provider.
A lot of women dismiss this, assuming it's nothing and that they'll feel better later, but it could be a sign of your heart. The reason you feel that way is due to a lack of oxygen. The heart is working hard to deliver oxygen to your body.
Having said that, many people are tired for a variety of reasons. If this is your only symptom, consult your doctor, but don't assume you have heart disease based on this alone.
Foot swelling can occur for a variety of reasons, including pregnancy, varicose veins, or a lack of movement. Swelling may also indicate heart failure, a chronic condition in which the heart pumps blood inefficiently.
Swelling can also occur when a heart valve fails to close properly. Some blood pressure and diabetes medications may also cause swelling. Other symptoms associated with heart-related foot swelling include shortness of breath and/or fatigue.
Don't dismiss if your hip and leg muscles cramp when you climb, walk, or move but feel better when you rest. The pain could be caused by aging or a lack of exercise, or it could be a sign of peripheral arterial disease or PAD. PAD is a fatty plaque buildup in the arteries of the legs that has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
If you've ever been to a gym, you've probably noticed signs instructing you to stop walking, running, cycling, or stepping if you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Dizziness is one of the symptoms that can have many reasons including heart issues.
Lightheadedness may be caused by artery blockages that reduce blood pressure or by faulty valves that cannot maintain it.
Fluid accumulation on the left side of the heart can cause wheezing that mimics bronchial asthma. Once the valve is repaired, fluid no longer accumulates in the lungs, allowing the patient to breathe more easily.
Depression is most likely not a sign of heart disease. However, mental health is linked to physical health. According to research, people who are depressed are more likely to have heart problems.
A headache is sometimes just a headache. However, regular migraines indicate that something is wrong with your heart. There is a link between cardiovascular events and migraine, particularly migraines with aura.
Some patients with a loud faulty valve can hear the sound of their valve while trying to sleep at night. While some patients adjust to the sound and often simply change their sleeping positions to avoid it, this does not mean you should disregard it. A racing heart can also be caused by low blood pressure, low blood sugar, anemia, medication, dehydration, and other factors.
Some patients with a loud faulty valve can hear the sound of their valve while trying to sleep at night. While some patients adjust to the sound and often simply change their sleeping positions to avoid it, this does not mean you should disregard it. A racing heart can also be caused by low blood pressure, low blood sugar, anemia, medication, dehydration, and other factors.