Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people. Being an enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle that keeps improving my life, I wish the same for everyone.

8 Baby Teething Comfort Tips Every Parent Should Be Aware Of

Babies are born with 20 primary teeth hidden within their gums. After the first 6 months of life, your baby will start to get fussy and drool regularly. Those are the signs of teething, which can be a challenging process for both parents and babies. 


Luckily, below are the eight amazing tips to help comfort your teething child. 


1. Massage the gums

Gently rubbing your baby’s gums may help reduce the discomfort. After properly washing your hands, lay your baby on the bed and massage their gum line carefully with your finger. This way, you can help your baby relax and sleep better at night. If your infant awakens constantly during the night, massaging their gums one more time may help soothe them. 


2. Chill a wet washcloth

Try placing a dump clean washcloth in the fridge to cool it down. Fold the cold washcloth and give it to your infant to chew. The cool temperature may help ease your child’s pain. Never leave your baby alone when they’re chewing on something to prevent them from choking. 


3. Refrigerate Pacifier or Teething Toy

If your baby suckles pacifier between feedings, try cooling it down to help soothe their gums. Clean the pacifier thoroughly and place it in the refrigerator. A cold pacifier may help numb the itching gum line and ease some discomfort. The same can be done with teething toys, except those filled with gel or liquid.  


4. Pain relievers

Consider asking the leading pediatric dentist about the types of over-the-counter pain drugs you can give to your baby. These drugs can reduce pain and help the baby fall asleep. A dental specialist can recommend you the proper dosage and ways to give medicine to a baby that refuses. In general, avoid using teething gels and tablets that contain topical anesthetics like benzocaine or lidocaine. These can be harmful and typically deprive sensation in an infant’s mouth, resulting in difficulty swallowing. 


5. Freeze milk popsicles

Sometimes, babies can refuse to eat while they’re teething due to pain and discomfort in their gums. Consider finding BPA-free popsicle molds and filling them with breast milk or infant formula. Be sure to cover your baby with a bib as these popsicles can be messy when melting. 


6. Remove excess drool

It’s smart to protect teething infants with a bib as they tend to drool and stain their clothes. To prevent additional irritation and the onset of rash, make wiping drool from the baby’s face your top priority. 


7. Refrigerate some fruits

If your baby is already consuming solid foods, try freezing some kinds of fruit to help comfort their irritated gum line. Mashed bananas are an excellent option. You can try giving your baby other cooled fruits like strawberries, apples, and pears in a mesh feeder.  A mesh feeder is essential to ensure your child doesn’t choke while eating. Remember to monitor your child when they eat and make sure they’re old enough to consume such food. 


8. Give your baby some extra cuddles

A soothing cuddle is often enough to comfort a teething baby. Rocking your infant in a chair or carrying them around the house are also good ideas. Additional cuddles will help provide you and your baby with some much-needed rest. If you’re breastfeeding your infant, try doing it more to provide some extra comfort. Besides, make sure to create a peaceful environment for your baby to help them calm down and fall asleep. 


The bottom line

The aforementioned tips should help your baby get through the various teething stages. Take time to try these solutions and determine which suits your baby the best. For additional tips and tricks, consider reaching out to an experienced pediatric dentist.