Lots of people have problems with their teeth, and gum disease is one of their complaints. Periodontal pockets are located under the gum line. They are filled with pus, which causes a ton of problems: from bad breath to tooth loss. Periodontal pockets are a symptom of serious infection (periodontitis). People with this type of infection should have proper oral care and keep good oral hygiene or look for dental help. In this article, we want to tell you what can cause gum disease without proper care.
People with periodontitis that have a higher risk of losing their teeth are males, those older than 35 years old, that never use a toothbrush, never had dental help, smoke, have diabetes, have high blood pressure, or even have rheumatoid arthritis. Several studies have confirmed that people with periodontitis have lost their front teeth more than their back teeth. People who have lost their teeth may face bone loss, shifting teeth, bite irregularities, difficulty chewing,, speech issues. For example, bone loss is a loss of bone tissue. Teeth stimulate the bone, and when a person loses a tooth, the bone part does not stimulate anymore, and as a result, it becomes atrophied.
All in all, all these problems cause problems to your quality of life, because your teeth are designed to work altogether. People without one or more teeth have noticed that it becomes uncomfortable to chew food with a missing tooth, which causes them to use only one part of their mouth. This may lead to some changes, most likely to your facial muscles which is why the shape of your face will also change.
Many people are familiar with abscesses, as they have experienced them on lots of parts of their bodies. An abscess also can develop inside your mouth and near a tooth, but also it can occur on the gum. People with this condition should contact a dentistry clinic and make an appointment. A doctor will make a visual examination and prescribe an appropriate treatment plan. Usually, people have abscesses in their mouth because of poor oral hygiene. There are 2 types of mouth abscess: gingival and periodontal abscesses. They have similar symptoms and treatment methods, but they are different. Gingival abscess does not involve teeth, it forms of the gum line and occurs when a sharp part of a food gets stuck in your gum line and as a result, induces an infection. A periodontal abscess occurs between teeth and the gum line. People with periodontitis may develop a periodontal abscess. Tooth abscesses cause a fever, swellings, sensitivity to cold temperatures, severe toothache, among other problems.
Receding gums is a result of gum disease. It means that your gums pull back and from the tooth and reveal its tooth roots. Receding gums can be caused by several factors: diabetes, HIV, smoking, aggressive teeth cleaning, and tartar. People who are over 40 years old and have receding gums may think that it is a normal process of aging, but they are wrong. Having receding gums is abnormal. If you think that your gum is receding, then you should not neglect this fact and make an appointment with a dental specialist, they will make a proper diagnosis and prescribe a treatment method. Treatment differs from the damage to the gum. Of course, a doctor will do all possible to prevent a future recession.
In conclusion, you should keep track of your oral health and if you have noticed any problem, make an appointment with a dentist, because if you leave them untreated, it will most likely cause serious problems. Also, have in mind that all of these diseases are caused by poor oral hygiene.