It turns out that women are four times lazier than men. This is due to the fact that the concentration of melatonin in the body of a woman (the hormone responsible for circadian rhythms) is smaller. But is it really so bad as some people think to be lazy?
In our society, it is still customary to condemn those who prefer to take a nap on the sofa in an embrace with a cat. There are so many interesting things in the world, so why not go to the exhibition or the festival? But according to experts, laziness is actually good for health. Set aside all the important things, turn off notifications, let yourself relax and get benefits for your brain and body.
As soon as you stop to perceive yourself as a fighting machine that is able to cope with any question, you stop overworking. During tense moments, boredom and laziness are used as a remedy to restore control over your own body and time. Do not punish yourself for the time that you did not spend on "useful" things.
Do you constantly suffer from the desire to nap for half an hour? According to experts, a short sleep for 45 minutes reduces the pressure that grows due to stress. It is absolutely unimportant whether you sleep enough at night. A short term nap after the dinner is a recovery procedure, so you can safely tell others that you are just monitoring your health.
According to a study by the University of Oklahoma, watching TV shows allowed participants to better recognize emotions when compared to those participants who didn’t watch anything at all. The researchers came to the conclusion that the better you pay attention to the story, the easier it is for you to understand people. If Netflix offers you some series, do not refuse it since it will help you improve your emotional abilities.
The work of our brain is really amazing. You can seriously get attached to a character from a movie or TV series, and this will create the feeling that you have a true friend. Our brain simply does not distinguish whether your relationship is real or fictional, but a new relation allows you to increase self-esteem and reduce the feeling of loneliness.
Frequently experienced stress affects the condition of your skin, causing acne, psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea. Give yourself time for a small nap with a face mask, because your appearance is no less important than the mental state.
Doing nothing is an important part, releasing your creativity and innovative ideas. It seems that you are losing time, but in fact, you are planting new seeds in your garden of inspiration. Find a quiet place without irritants and focus on your feelings. You can master meditation, which many successful woman use.
TIME magazine in 2016 reported a large study that was conducted in 13 countries. It’s especially worth to note indicators from Britain, in which most people complained of exhaustion and lack of sleep. Before you discourage yourself from sleeping for a long time, think about how many benefits long sleep can provide: improve memory, reduce inflammation, and improve concentration.