A condom is perhaps the most trusted means of barrier contraception. We know that if we want to have protected sex, we need to use it. If it’s torn - you’re in trouble. If you go to a party or to a night club - take one with you. That’s actually everything that most people know about them.
However, if you think that a condom is a 100% guarantee for you to not get pregnant or not to catch an STD - you’re mistaken. Feel shocked? In most cases, it’s not a little latex thing to blame but people’s own carelessness and lack of understanding of the very concept of protection.
It’s time to uncover the truth about condoms. We have no intention to make you refuse using them. On the contrary - to emphasize that a condom alone isn’t enough; you need to use your brain too to provide excellent protection for yourself and your partner.
Each means of birth control has a Pearl index - a score that estimates its efficiency. For condoms, this score is from 2 to 12%. Compare it to birth control pills - 0.06 - 1.4 % and IUDs - 3%, and you will understand that it’s not on top. But its undoubted advantage not provided by others - the ability to protect from infections.
Only if you have no allergic reaction to the latex they’re made of. However, there are condoms made of polyurethane to serve as an alternative. But physical characteristics and safety of such condoms are worse than in those that are made of latex.
This can happen, of course, but in most case, it happens because of the mistakes in use. Wrong size, improper technique of wearing or not wearing it in time (the proper time is BEFORE penetration not before ejaculation) are the most common causes of unwanted pregnancy with a condom. By the way, poor choice of lube can also damage the tender surface, so use only special lubricants that are compatible with latex.
No, it’s not. Although it will surely protect your sex organs if not torn, there are also other ways to catch an unpleasant infection. For example, blood, saliva, and sweat can transfer certain infections too. This is why a condom should not be your only protection but also your mindfulness and a careful choice of partner.
Usually, men complaint about this. Many of them say that it can even influence their erection in a negative way. Sorry to disappoint you guys but it’s not the condom’s fault. It is all individual, of course, but condoms cannot influence a healthy erection - maybe you have some emotional issues about it and this may really influence it.
Were you surprised to read these facts? If yes, you should educate yourself more about safe sex. The best way to do it safely is to have a permanent partner that, together with you, regularly goes through STD testing.