Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people. Being an enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle that keeps improving my life, I wish the same for everyone.

8 Unexpected Benefits of Grapefruit You Need to Know

Grapefruits' bulbous size, bitter pith, and tart flavor can be off-putting to those used to sweeter citrus cousins. However, adding this superfood to your regular rotation of healthy foods may benefit your health.


It is one of the 19 best breakfast foods. You also don't have to limit your consumption to the early morning hours. Because of its high water content, it makes an excellent snack at any time of day.


Here's why you should start eating more of the tangy citrus fruit, as well as what you should know about its numerous health benefits.


1. Grapefruit Contains a Lot of Water

Grapefruit contains one of the most water of any fruit. One cup of cut pink or red grapefruit contains 203 grams of water, which is nearly a cup.


Because of its high water content, the fruit is beneficial to one's overall health. Your body is composed of approximately 60% water, which is required to keep your body in shape. Water is also necessary for avoiding conditions such as constipation, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections (UTIs).


Furthermore, food accounts for approximately 20% of your daily fluid intake.


Including grapefruit in your meal plan can assist you in meeting your fluid goals. When selecting grapefruits, choose the heaviest ones because they contain the most water.


2. Grapefruit May Improve Diet Quality

Grapefruit is an excellent choice for increasing your intake of high-nutrient foods. According to research, grapefruit consumption improves diet quality and increases vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and dietary fiber intake.


One-half of a red or pink grapefruit contains 100% of the RDV for vitamin C and 35% of the RDV for vitamin A. It also contains 8% and 5% of your daily fiber and potassium requirements, respectively.


3. The Peel and Pith Are Good for You

You might not want to throw away the outer layer of a grapefruit after peeling it away. Grapefruit peels have more antioxidant activity than the fruit's interior.


While grapefruit pith is more bitter than orange pith, it is still worth eating with the fruit. The piths of citrus fruits contain pectin, a type of soluble dietary fiber. Fiber lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Fiber may also reduce the risk of colon cancer.


4. Grapefruit May Help Pump Up Your Immune System

This is due to the high concentrations of vitamins A (133 micrograms) and C (71.8 milligrams) in each 1-cup serving.


Both vitamins aid in the proper functioning of your immune system. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage.


Although grapefruit has not been shown to help prevent colds, some evidence suggests that it may reduce your suffering or the duration of a cold.


5. Grapefruit Might Lower Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure, this fruit may be beneficial. Grapefruit's ability to lower high blood pressure may be due to its high potassium content. This is significant because potassium helps to neutralize the negative effects of sodium and relax the blood vessel walls.


A drop in blood pressure can benefit 116 million Americans with hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. After all, one study discovered that a 10-millimeter drop in systolic blood pressure was associated with a lower risk of heart disease events, heart disease, stroke, and heart failure.


6. You Can Get Antioxidants from Redder Grapefruits

Grapefruit colors are high in goodness, vitamins, and nutrients. On the other hand, the red and pink ones have a little something extra: antioxidants beta-carotene and lycopene.


Lycopene is one of several carotenoids, or pigments, that contribute to grapefruit's red and pink hues. According to research, carotenoid-rich diets may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.


7. Grapefruit May Help Control Blood Sugar

Grapefruit also has a lower glycemic index (GI), which means it does not raise blood sugar as quickly or as much as foods with a higher GI.


However, your blood sugar response to food can vary greatly depending on the composition of your meal—how much and what you eat.


8. It Might Speed Up Wound Healing

Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, a protein required for wound healing. This vitamin also boosts the rate at which dermal fibroblasts are produced.


Ask your doctor before adding vitamins, minerals, or herbal supplements to your daily routine, especially if you're about to have surgery. In that case, grapefruits are also affected by the ability of certain drugs to affect their metabolism.

8 Daily Habits That Can Cause Back Pain

Back pain is a widespread condition that affects millions of people all over the world. It can be triggered by a variety of causes, including poor posture, injury, and medical disorders. However, there are various everyday habits that might lead to back pain. In this article, we will discuss eight daily habits that can cause back pain and suggest ways to prevent it.


1. Sitting for long periods

Back pain affects many people who sit at a desk or sit for prolonged periods of time, such as students or office workers. Sitting for extended periods of time puts a lot of tension on the lower back, which can cause muscle strain and discomfort. 


Every hour or so, take a break to stand up, stretch, and move about. This can help relieve lower back pain and avoid muscular strain. Also, sitting with the correct posture might assist relieve back pain. This involves sitting up straight, with your feet flat on the ground and your shoulders relaxed.


2. Carrying heavy bags

Back pain can result from carrying heavy bags, such as a handbag or a backpack, especially if the weight is disproportionally distributed. Carrying a bag on one shoulder can pull the muscles on one side of the body, resulting in muscular tension and pain. To avoid this, get a backpack with two straps and equally divide the weight. Additionally, when carrying a bag, swap sides to prevent putting too much strain on one side.


3. Using a smartphone or tablet

A significant number of people use their phones or tablets often throughout the day. Holding these gadgets at a low angle, on the other hand, might put a strain on the neck and upper back. This can cause muscle strain and pain. Avoid slouching or hunching over the device by holding it at eye level or using a stand. Taking pauses from using the device can also assist to limit the amount of time spent in this pose.


4. Wearing high heels

High heels can push the lower back to arch abnormally, causing muscular tension and pain. To avoid this, choose lower-heeled shoes or comfortable, supportive shoes that allow for natural spine alignment. Stretching the foot and calf muscles can also help relieve lower back pain.


5. Poor sleeping habits

Many people wake up in the morning with back pain. Sleeping in an uncomfortable posture or on an unsupportive mattress might cause this issue. To avoid this, it is critical to sleep on a mattress that provides enough back support. Furthermore, sleeping in a position that provides natural spine alignments, such as on your back or side, can help avoid back pain.


6. Poor posture

Back pain is often caused by poor posture. The back can experience a lot of pressure from slouching or hunching over, which can result in soreness and muscle tension. It is essential to keep proper posture by sitting up straight, keeping your shoulders back and down, and aligning your ears, shoulders, and hips. Stretching the chest and shoulder muscles can also help relieve upper back pain.


7. Lack of exercise

Inactivity can cause muscle tension and discomfort by weakening the muscles that support the back. Regular exercises, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, can help avoid this by strengthening the muscles that support the back. Stretching before and after exercise can also help avoid muscle tension and strain.


8. Smoking

Smoking causes back pain by decreasing the blood supply to the spine and weakening the bones and muscles. To avoid this, quit smoking or get support to quit smoking. Exercise and proper posture can also help increase blood flow and strengthen the muscles that support the back.

8 Things That Can Worsen TMJ

Avoiding things that make temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) worse is an important part of managing your condition and reducing flare-ups, whether you experience tenderness and aching or significant pain and jaw locking.


The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. Every day, you use it while eating, drinking, and conversing. A small disc in the joint allows your jaw bones to slip and slide normally.


TMJ causes the disc to become displaced, resulting in clicking, snapping, and limited jaw movement. It can also cause pain in your jaw and face and cause the muscles around your jaw to become sore or spasm. Anything that stresses or overworks the joint can cause or aggravate TMJ symptoms.


This article discusses what you should not do if you have TMJ. Using these strategies, you can avoid aggravating the joint and help keep TMJ pain at bay.


1. Chewing Gum

You may enjoy chewing gum, but you should avoid it if you have TMJ. Your jaw is the most frequently used joint in your body. Excessive use of the joints and muscles relieves pressure and allows them to rest.


Resting sore muscles and joints is the first step toward resolving TMJ symptoms.


2. Eating Hard Foods

Bagels are delicious, but they are also hard on the jaw. When you have TMJ pain, you should avoid eating hard foods such as bagels and apples.


These foods may put too much strain on your jaw, preventing it from getting the rest it needs to heal properly.


3. Non-Functional Jaw Activites

We frequently do things with our jaws unconsciously or out of habit as we go about our daily lives.


You may find yourself mindlessly chewing on a pen while reading or writing. While watching TV or browsing the internet, you may bite your nails or chew on small pieces of clothing. Children's thumbs may suck. These parafunctional activities may put a strain on your TMJ and slow healing.


4. Resting on Your Chin

While studying, browsing social media, or watching TV, many people rest their jaw in their hands. This position may be comfortable but can be detrimental to your jaw.


This pressure on the side of your jaw may push against the joint, causing the disc to move out of place and causing issues with how your jaw opens and closes.


Breaking the habit of resting your chin on your hand can help your joints heal properly.


5. Chewing Only on One Side

Humans are creatures of habit, and many of us chew our food on one side or the other of our mouths. Unfortunately, this can cause one side of your temporomandibular joint and surrounding muscles to become stressed, resulting in TMJ pain and joint dysfunction.


Try to be conscious of your chewing habits and consume food on both sides of your mouth. If you have dental issues or tooth pain on one side, make an appointment with your dentist to have it fixed so you can chew evenly and comfortably.


6. Clenching Your Teeth

The medical term for clenching your teeth together is bruxism. This could happen during the day or while sleeping. When you have TMJ, clenching your teeth can put tremendous strain on the muscles in your jaw.


Stress can cause teeth clenching, so working to manage your stress can help. Your dentist may also recommend that you wear a mouth guard while sleeping to prevent your teeth from clenching excessively.


7. Slouching

Your jaw works best when your head is above your cervical spine and your posture is upright. Slouching can alter how your jaw muscles work and how your jaw opens and closes.


When you are getting TMJ treatment, your physical therapist may suggest that you change your posture. This may entail strengthening your back and shoulder muscles as well as setting frequent reminders to sit tall.


8. Waiting to Get Treatment

Many people suffering from musculoskeletal issues simply wait for the pain and limited motion to disappear. However, if you are experiencing problems with your jaw joint (the most used joint in the body), you should seek treatment immediately.


TMJ is frequently self-limiting (it goes away on its own) and non-progressive, with a high recovery rate with conservative treatment—all the more reason to seek help right away.

10 Ways to Fight Ulcerative Colitis Pain

Suppose you've recently been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC). In that case, you understand how difficult it can be to distinguish symptoms of this gastrointestinal disease from other aches and pains in your body. Is your stomach ache the result of an unsatisfactory meal or of inflammation in your colon? Is your inflammatory bowel disease or your monthly cycle causing the cramps? Let's take a closer look at how to relieve pain and get back to doing what you love.


1. Pain Meds

Acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, is generally safe to use in cases of mild pain. Acetaminophen alleviates pain by increasing your body's overall pain threshold. You will almost certainly be advised to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, which may aggravate your symptoms.


2. Anti-Diarrhea Medications

Inflammation in the colon can cause diarrhea, causing the colon to empty itself frequently. Loperamide may be prescribed as an over-the-counter medication to treat your diarrhea. It works by restoring your digestive system's overactive pace to normal. Imodium is a common over-the-counter medication, but just because it's widely available without a prescription doesn't mean you should ignore your doctor's advice.


3. Antispasmodics

Muscle spasms and cramps are treated with antispasmodic medications. They can also help with pain relief by decreasing the intensity of your gut contractions as food passes through your intestine. Peppermint oil is an antispasmodic that can be found at your local pharmacy.


4. Corticosteroids

If your pain becomes unbearable, don't be surprised if your doctor prescribes a course of corticosteroids to get things under control quickly. Steroids can be extremely helpful in lowering pain by reducing inflammation through multiple pathways. However, steroids should only be used for short-term relief because the long-term side effects of these medications can be severe.


5. Aminosalicylates (5-ASA)

This class of medication is used to treat inflammation in the digestive tract lining. 5-ASA medications are well-tolerated and safe for people who have UC. Sulfasalazine, mesalamine, and olsalazine are examples of these medications.


6. Immunomodulators

Immunomodulators are a type of medication that alters the activity of the immune system, reducing ongoing inflammation in the digestive tract. These are not new drugs, with some dating back 70 years for other purposes such as cancer and arthritis treatment.


7. Biologics/Biosimilars

Unlike other medications, biologics are made from living compounds rather than chemicals. Biologics are antibodies that target specific proteins in the body that cause inflammation. Biological medications approved to treat UC include adalimumab, golimumab, infliximab, ustekinumab, and vedolizumab.


8. Janus Kinase (JAK) Inhibitors/Targeted Synthetic Small Molecules

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are one of the newest classes of drugs available for UC treatment, and they are doing well. In a 2021 study published in the Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, a higher proportion of patients reported no bowel urgency and less abdominal pain when given a JAK inhibitor versus a placebo, with improvements seen as early as two weeks. JAK inhibitors work by interfering with inflammation-related signaling.


9. Diet 

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are one of the newest classes of drugs available for UC treatment, and they are doing well. In a 2021 study published in the Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, a higher proportion of patients reported no bowel urgency and less abdominal pain when given a JAK inhibitor versus a placebo, with improvements seen as early as two weeks. JAK inhibitors work by interfering with inflammation-related signaling.


10. Surgery

Given the complexity of ulcerative colitis, different treatments for UC pain may be required over time. Surgery may be recommended if more conservative approaches have failed to relieve your pain, or if your medication has stopped working and your pain has returned. A proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the most common surgery for UC. Your colon and rectum will be removed, and the end of your small intestine will be used to form an internal pouch shaped like a J.

10 Effective Tips to Reverse Diabetes

Over 34 million Americans have diabetes, a chronic disease that affects how your body converts food into energy. Diabetes develops when the body is unable to produce or use insulin effectively due to an excess of it in the bloodstream rather than in the cells.


Excess blood sugar damages the body's smallest blood vessels, reducing blood flow and starving the capillaries that feed the tissues.


Excess sugar can also have an effect on the lens of the eye, causing cataracts, or cause neovascularization or the formation of new fragile vessels. Glaucoma or hemorrhage within the eye can result from neovascularization.


1. Know More About Diabetes

Although diabetes cannot be cured, you can put a stop to the threat of complications! If you know how to fight diabetes, you can live a long and healthy life without ever experiencing its complications.


You would never go to war and fight someone unless you knew everything about them and how they could hurt you. Fighting diabetes is similar. You must understand what you are dealing with as well as the mechanism by which diabetes harms the body.


High blood sugar levels are harmful to your eyes, kidneys, and nerves.


2. Stop Eating Processed Foods

Limit your intake of highly processed foods and sugary desserts. Consume them sparingly, only on special occasions, and in small amounts. Furthermore, if you make your own desserts during the holidays, make them diabetic-friendly by substituting natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit for regular sugar and regular white flour for whole wheat flour.


3. Know Your Carbs

Know what foods contain carbohydrates and how much to eat. In general, limiting calories to 60-75g for men and 45-60g for women per meal is a good rule of thumb. Of course, you should consult with a registered dietitian who is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) to determine your specific needs.


4. Stay Active

Physical activity is one of the most effective natural ways to lower blood glucose levels. Physical activity promotes muscle growth, which requires more glucose (or'sugar'). Furthermore, your body uses glucose as fuel while performing physical activity. One session of physical activity can significantly lower your blood sugar.


5. Manage Your Stress

Find ways to deal with your stress. Even if you ate a perfect meal, stress can cause your glucose to rise. Learning to manage your stress can be an effective way to help control your diabetes. Can you think of any ways to reduce your stress? Dancing, warm baths, reading, meditation, and physical activity are a few ways my clients deal with stress naturally.


6. Eat Your Veggies

If possible, avoid canned vegetables. Vegetables are beneficial for two reasons. The first is that they take up space on your plate and in your stomach that would otherwise be filled with carbohydrate-containing foods. When you pile vegetables on your plate, there is less room for other foods. Second, vegetables are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.


Fiber slows digestion and, as a result, glucose absorption. It has been demonstrated that when high-fiber foods are consumed in a meal, glucose does not peak as high or as quickly.


7. Lose Weight

Loss of visceral fat, or fat around your organs, can aid in the prevention of diabetes and the remission of Type 2 diabetes. When one loses weight around the pancreas and liver, the beta cells in the pancreas are able to produce more insulin, lowering blood sugar levels.


A low-carbohydrate diet is an effective strategy for weight loss and blood sugar control. It is recommended to take an individualized approach to carbohydrate intake, with a focus on long-term sustainability.


8. Tweak Your Diet

Small dietary changes are the most effective way to prevent diabetes or improve control. Don't consume your calories. Avoid or limit your consumption of bread. Remove the top piece of a sandwich or burger before eating. You may appear strange eating it, but it contains fewer carbohydrates. Remember that not all sugars are sweet. Carbohydrates are present in sweet foods such as cakes and pastries, as well as bread, pasta, and rice.


9. Surgery

Surgery may be necessary in extreme cases. Long-term outcomes are better with bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve than with gastric banding. If patients have a BMI of 35 or higher, have had type 2 diabetes for less than 5 years, and do not use insulin, they should consult with their doctor because there are serious health risks involved.


10. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting can help reverse type 2 diabetes. It can help with weight loss and lowering insulin levels, as well as improving insulin sensitivity, increasing fat oxidation, and lowering oxidative stress if done correctly. Intermittent fasting is not recommended for all patients with type 2 diabetes because it increases the risk of low blood sugar episodes and is not suitable for everyone. It is best to discuss the option with a Health Care provider and incorporate it safely.

What to Know About Varicose Veins in Men

Veins are blood vessels that transport blood from organs, muscles, and other tissues throughout the body back to the heart. They have one-way valves to prevent blood from returning to the heart.


Varicose veins are swollen and twisted veins that can develop in both men and women. An estimated 35% of adults in the United States have varicose veins, which are often harmless but can lead to circulation complications. Treatment, which may be performed for cosmetic or medical reasons, typically entails the removal or closure of affected veins.


Symptoms of Varicose Veins in Men

Bulging veins in the lower legs are the primary symptoms of varicose veins in men. Aside from their appearance, varicose veins rarely cause any other symptoms.


Aching legs, heaviness in the lower legs and feet, itchiness, nighttime cramps, and swelling in the lower legs are all symptoms of varicose veins.


Causes of Varicose Veins in Men 

Varicose veins form when the veins are under too much pressure. This can happen if the vein's valves or other parts become weak or injured. As a result, blood can begin to pool, causing veins to swell.


Risk Factors for Varicose Veins in Men 

Varicose veins can be caused by a variety of factors. Age, a family history of varicose veins, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and standing for long periods without walking are all risk factors.


Complications of Varicose Veins 

Varicose veins can have an impact on the appearance of the legs, which is why many people seek treatment. Large or numerous varicose veins, on the other hand, may pose a health risk. The following are some of the most common health issues associated with varicose veins.


Deep vein thrombosis

Varicose veins frequently affect veins near the skin's surface. Phlebitis occurs when these veins harden and become warm to the touch. A clot (also known as a thrombus) that forms in a superficial vein as a result of phlebitis usually does not pose a serious health risk and resolves on its own.


Blood clots in varicose veins differ from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which occurs when a clot forms in a deeper vein in the leg. DVT can become detached and travel to the lungs, where it can become a pulmonary embolism, blocking blood flow and limiting the body's ability to oxygenate the blood.


Leg ulcer

A varicose vein-caused leg ulcer is also known as a venous ulcer. These ulcers are open sores that are difficult to heal because swollen veins impair blood flow in the legs. Leg ulcers commonly develop near the ankle.


May-Thurner syndrome

May-Thurner syndrome is a rare condition in which an artery in the pelvis compresses a vein, causing dangerous blood clot formation. May-Thurner syndrome is characterized by varicose veins, venous ulcers, and swelling in the affected leg.



There are three primary varicose vein treatment options. They are all generally safe and effective, with quick recovery times.


Endovenous ablation

This procedure uses lasers or radiofrequency energy to seal off the affected vein. The procedure is performed as an outpatient under local or general anesthesia. Bruising and temporary skin discoloration are common side effects of the procedure.



Sclerotherapy is another common procedure used to treat varicose and spider veins. It is also an outpatient procedure with a quick recovery time. During sclerotherapy your vein doctor injects a solution into the varicose vein with a very fine needle, causing it to shrink and close off.



For larger or deeper varicose veins, surgery to remove the affected portion of the blood vessel may be the best option. One common surgical procedure, known as vein ligation and excision, involves tying off the varicose vein's source and removing portions of the swollen varicose vein.


This can be combined with vein stripping, which has largely been replaced by the ablation procedure. Stab phlebectomy is a procedure that removes affected veins through small incisions.

10 Foods That Can Reduce Your Risk of Macular Degeneration


Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the elderly, surpassing cataracts and glaucoma, despite the fact that as we age, our eyes become more vulnerable to various harmful conditions.


The deterioration of the macula and the subsequent loss of those important functions is known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Over ten million Americans are affected by AMD.


The good news is that a growing body of evidence suggests that eating the right foods can reduce your chances of developing AMD. Nutrition can be an effective means of extending the life of our eyes.


1. Omega-3 fatty acids

So, what are these amazing foods that can help with AMD? One category includes foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to help the retina's photoreceptor cells. Cold, deepwater fish like salmon and sardines, as well as walnuts, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and omega-3-enriched foods like yogurt and eggs, are good sources of omega-3s.


2. A dynamic carotenoid duo

The macular region of the retina contains high concentrations of two key carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are thought to help the eyes by filtering out harmful, high-energy blue wavelengths of light. However, because the human body does not produce all of the lutein and zeaxanthin required for this important function, it is critical to obtain these nutrients from foods such as kale, spinach, collard greens, and turnip greens.


3. Antioxidant vitamins

Another aspect of health that can benefit from antioxidants, such as vitamins E and C, is vision. Because oxidative stress increases with age, antioxidants can protect against the harmful effects of oxidant chemical buildup.


Citrus, peppers, broccoli, and strawberries are excellent sources of vitamin C, while peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, broccoli, spinach, safflower seeds, and fortified foods such as breakfast cereals are excellent sources of vitamin E.


4. Mighty minerals

Let's start with zinc, a mineral that aids in the delivery of vitamin A from the liver to the retina, which is required for the production of melanin—a pigment that protects the eye. It's not surprising, then, that zinc deficiency has been linked to vision problems like poor night vision and cataracts. Oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, whole grains, and some dairy products are high in zinc.


5. Your daily D

Vitamin D may improve macular degeneration. This nutrient has the potential to provide triple protection against age-related problems due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its anti-angiogenic properties, which means it can inhibit the growth of new blood vessels involved in wet AMD.


6. Anti-inflammatory nutrients

Chronic inflammation in the retina and the vascular layer of the eye called the choroid could be the causes of AMD. Fortunately, many of these nutrients, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D, have anti-inflammatory properties that help protect the eyes from AMD.


7. Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is a healthy eating pattern that is high in beneficial foods like vegetables, fruit, and fish and low in harmful foods like saturated fats and trans fats. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet was linked to a lower risk of progression.


8. Coffee 

That cup of joe has far more health benefits than anyone imagined. Caffeine appears to be protective against macular degeneration.


Macular degeneration is less common in people who drink the equivalent of one espresso shot per day.


9. Ditch junk food

A 2001 study found that certain types of fat—vegetable, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, as well as linoleic acid—found in store-bought, highly-processed foods like margarine, cake and cookies, commercially-prepared pie, potato chips, peanut butter, and French fries, may increase the risk of developing advanced AMD.


10. Embrace a healthier lifestyle

While a healthy diet can help protect your eyes from AMD, it is only one piece of the puzzle. Other smart strategies include not smoking, exercising regularly, and maintaining normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


Top 5 Sciatica Management Tips You Should Be Aware Of

Sciatica, or pain in the sciatic nerve, may be extremely uncomfortable and debilitating. Because proper relief can take some time, and several treatments, dealing with the pain on a regular basis during that period can be challenging. There are numerous ways to significantly minimize sciatica pain while receiving treatment for your back pain. Keep in mind that you should utilize any therapies with your doctor's knowledge and approach t avoid making any underlying problems worse.


Read on to discover some of the ways you can ease your sciatica pain at home.


1. Stretching

Consider some targeted and gentle stretching as part of your daily routine to aid with sciatica pain relief, spinal health promotion, and sciatica flare-up prevention. The purpose of these stretches should be to strengthen the core and spine while simultaneously enhancing spinal flexibility and overall mobility. Most stretches are easy on the body and may be included in your daily routine.


2. Gentle exercise

Similar to stretching, an effective workout can be helpful and can even minimize sciatica pain. In fact, if you rest too much, your symptoms can worsen. Exercises that are simple, quick, and don't cause pain or tension might be beneficial. A walk around the block is an outstanding example of a physical activity that keeps you active and reduces spinal tension without causing more damage. Not only can it help your spine feel better, but it also can help lessen pain perception by boosting the production of endorphins.


3. Heat and cold therapy 

Temperature-based alternating treatment can provide instant but short-lasting relief from sciatica pain. While warmth from a heating pad can promote blood circulation to the injured region and boost the healing processes, ice packs can help lessen inflammation. If you are experiencing both pain and muscle spasms at the same time, this could be extremely helpful.


Apply 15 minutes of heat every two to three hours, followed by 15 minutes of ice every hour. Use a covering, such as a towel, at all times to shield your skin from heat and cold. Never leave the heat or ice on while you sleep.


4. Posture 

Although it might seem like it's the last time you'd want to pay attention to your posture, it's crucial when you have sciatica pain. Long lengths of time spent in the same position may aggravate your symptoms. Consider adjusting your posture every 20 minutes or so. Take note of your form. This way, you'll eliminate the pressure on your spine and reduces sciatica symptoms.


5. Medications 

Medication can heal no illness, not even sciatica. However, it may be beneficial to use drugs sparingly to alleviate pain and allow you to stretch and exercise. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which decrease inflammation and pain, are accessible without a prescription. However, since they do have certain health risks and are not recommended for those who have certain disorders, always consult your doctor before using any pain relief medication.


The bottom line 

Back pain should be taken seriously and should prompt you to see an orthopedic doctor. You can make use of the aforementioned strategies to control your symptoms while you wait for your appointment. Don't put off professional treatment for too long. Otherwise, you run the risk of your condition getting worse. Damage to sciatic nerves may result in loss of sensation, pins, and needles, and, in more severe cases, weakness in the knees or legs. The duration of numbness and weakness will increase the longer you postpone the treatment. In rare cases, untreated sciatica can cause nerve damage that is irreversible.

10 Signs You've Found the Right Dermatologist for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes skin cells to develop more quickly than they should. Excessive skin cell development results in red, itchy, and scaly skin.


There are numerous forms of psoriasis, and the intensity, location, and size of the affected regions varies from person to person. Therefore, your psoriasis is unique to you, and you require the services of a dermatologist who will collaborate with you to determine the best treatment options. Still, how can you know if your new dermatologist is good for you?


1. They're Board-Certified

This may sound apparent, but you want the greatest dermatologist possible. There are numerous organizations that can certify a dermatologist. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has confidence in dermatologists accredited by the following three organizations:

- American Board of Dermatology

- American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology

- The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada


2. They Fit Your Insurance (and Your Budget)

Your insurance company may restrict the dermatologists and treatments you can seek. Even if you have a flexible insurance plan, you may end yourself footing some of the expenses for your dermatologist visits.


3. They Have Experience With Psoriasis

Most dermatologists are familiar with the symptoms of psoriasis. Each instance, however, is unique. A dermatologist with psoriasis experience can advise you on your unique symptoms and treatment options.


4. They're Flexible With Treatments

Because psoriasis is so diverse, there are numerous therapy choices. A dermatologist who has treated psoriasis will be familiar with these therapies and can educate you on them.


Assume your dermatologist prescribes a treatment regimen with little flexibility or thought. In that situation, you may be overlooking a viable therapeutic alternative.


5. Their Practice Fits Your Lifestyle

Making time for and getting to appointments are only two of the many obstacles to seeking assistance. Consider the following while looking for a dermatologist to treat your psoriasis:

- Is their office location convenient to your house or workplace?

- Do their regular hours work with your schedule? If not, are you able to book appointments in the evenings or on weekends?

- What are their procedures for cancellation and rescheduling?

- Do they offer telemedicine, phone, or other virtual appointment options?

- How often and how long are the appointments? Will you have to take time off work for any treatments?


6. They Listen to You

It is critical to choose a doctor who will listen to you. Psoriasis can develop into a number of chronic disorders, such as psoriatic arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and other autoimmune diseases. When you have psoriasis concerns, you want your dermatologist to listen carefully and deliver appropriate therapy.


7. They Treat You With Respect

You want your dermatologist to see you as more than simply a name on a piece of paper if you have psoriasis. When they respect you, you can work together to make sound health decisions.


8. They're Interested in Your Life

Psoriasis frequently flares up as a result of environmental influences. Your dermatologist should be interested in your life, particularly probable psoriasis triggers.


A common trigger is a stress. As a result, your dermatologist should inquire about your stressors, how you deal with them, and so on.


9. They Enable Questions

They are concerned about your health. Your dermatologist should encourage you to ask questions regarding your psoriasis.


You can both make informed judgments regarding psoriasis therapy by asking questions. However, if your dermatologist does not establish a welcoming environment that encourages questioning, then they may not be right for you.


10. They Answer Questions Clearly

Once you've asked your questions, your dermatologist must provide clear answers. Medical jargon and abstract concepts will not give you control over your therapy.

4 Simple Ways Women Can Advance Their Careers

Women and careers were once considered to be unrelated terms. However, times have evolved. Women aged 16 and over made up 75,175,000 of the labor force in 2017, or 46.9% of the entire workforce.


There are tactics that women should take into account when they want to improve their professions, even if women's career paths have frequently been rocky; pay inequalities and the persistent glass ceiling continue to be barriers.


Despite these obstacles, there is a perception that women are gradually succeeding in the workforce. Indeed, there is a ton of job guidance for women available, and some of the news is encouraging. More women than ever are employed, and they hold a higher proportion of managerial and executive positions than in the past. Women now own a lot more companies than in the past.


Not all of the news is positive, though. Despite the fact that many businesses claim to be committed to gender diversity, this dedication has not resulted in any appreciable advancements overall. Not only is progress slow, but in certain situations, it has stalled.


Companies need to act more firmly right now. Starting with setting goals and holding executives responsible for the performance, entails treating gender diversity as the business priority that it is. It calls for reducing gender disparities in recruiting and advancement, particularly early in the pipeline where women are most frequently disregarded. And it entails making more daring efforts to develop a courteous and inclusive culture so that women—as well as all workers—feel supported in the office.


Following these suggestions is a step in the right way for women who want to develop in their careers.


There are alternative ways to demonstrate your areas of competence if self-promotion is not something you are comfortable doing. There are various ways to demonstrate your knowledge in most workplaces. It might be as easy as updating your employer and his/her boss on the status of various projects and any accomplishments once a month through email.


1. Choose academic programs with a critical eye to create a well-rounded CV

With technology transforming every company's workspace at a rapid rate, getting an MBA isn't the only route to success in leadership.


Instead, pupils are aware of a business's operations and technology requirements.


According to a survey by the National Association of Corporate Directors, cybersecurity is what keeps board members up at night. You should be aware of how various systems interact and how that affects the company.


Gain a distinctive understanding of business and technology principles by, for example, minoring in financial accounting while majoring in computer sciences, or by majoring in economics or strategic management and earning certifications in cybersecurity and privacy law in addition to a CPA license or auditing certification.


2. Seek out mentors

Girls Who Code is a great organization for young women in their pre-college years, and the Executive Women's Forum members can be great mentors to college students and young professionals.


3. Take advantage of free online resources to strengthen your skillset

Utilize the rise in publically accessible online educational materials to overcome the pandemic's increased barriers for women in the workforce.


Take courses from LinkedIn Learning, the International Association of Privacy Professionals, AWS, OCI, and Microsoft during the time you would have spent commuting to work.


4. Create a more inclusive workplace through flexibility, understanding, and vital resources

Finally, women in leadership positions may encourage their female team members right away by being aware of the difficulties they encounter in the workplace.


This entails giving female caregivers the option of working flexible hours, offering and promoting mental health resources to all staff members, supporting women in advancing their professions, and giving them access to career coaches.


Just because society believes it should, don't let women leave the workforce when they have children.

4 Great Benefits of Blackberries for Your Health

While many fruits offer a delicious and nutritious mix, few have as many remarkable health advantages as blackberries.


These delectable morsels, sometimes mistaken for black raspberries, are one of many berries belonging to the Rubus genus. Remember that after raspberries are harvested, the stem stays on the plant and leaves a hollow if you need help telling the two apart. The stem of a blackberry remains attached to the fruit.


So, why could you think about adding this berry to your menu? Here are four health advantages of blackberry.


1. They have a lot of fiber

  1. The majority of people don't consume enough fiber daily. A low-fiber diet has been associated with digestive issues like bloating, constipation, and stomach pain, which is a problem. And a 2013 study found that a lack of fiber may make you more susceptible to heart disease.

You might benefit from a high-fiber diet if you need to:

- lower your cholesterol

- encourage typical bowel motions

- control blood sugar levels by slowing down the rate of sugar absorption, prolong the feeling of fullness after eating, and give good gut bacteria fuel

- Blackberries have a significant level of fiber for such a little berry. Raw blackberries have about 8 grams per cup.


2. May benefit dental health
According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Periodontal Research, blackberries exhibit antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. This might provide a natural treatment method for tooth infections. According to a study, blackberries may have antiviral qualities as well. When administered topically, blackberry extract may be used to treat cold sores. Everybody knows self-medication can harm your health, so before managing oral issues, consult outstanding dental practitioners.


3. A vitamin

Vitamin A, which has several uses in the body, is present in blackberries. The immune system, which fights off diseases and infections, is supported by vitamin A. Additionally, it promotes the development and upkeep of teeth and bones and the maintenance of good skin.


The pigments in the retina of the eye are produced by vitamin A, which also supports vision, especially in low light.


4. Cardiovascular disease prevention

Blackberries' anthocyanins may also be beneficial for illnesses that impact your heart and blood arteries, such as cardiovascular disease. When plaque accumulates inside your arteries, it causes atherosclerosis, a common cause of cardiovascular disease. This accumulation may result in:

- chest pains

- kidney illness

- a disease of the peripheral arteries

- stroke


Inflammation, high blood pressure, and excessive cholesterol are frequently the causes of plaque formation. Although it is unknown whether anthocyanins lower blood pressure, numerous studies have shown reductions in cholesterol and inflammation.


Blackberry risks that could arise

Blackberries are generally safe to eat because they haven't been found to interact with any medications, foods, or illnesses. A study published in the journal Antioxidants found that although blackberry allergies (or berry allergies in general) are uncommon, they do exist. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, continue with caution and keep an eye out for common food allergy symptoms, such as stomach cramps, rashes, coughing, or difficulty swallowing, if you're new to blackberries and have a history of food allergies.


How to increase your intake of blackberries

Blackberries are delicious and eaten raw all by themselves. 

If you're choosing the fruit yourself, it's black with shiny skin that looks full and juicy and is simple to pick without any resistance from the stem. Look for mildew, slime, or an unusual odor before purchasing blackberries to avoid rotten ones.


Blackberries can be easily used as a garnish for drinks, fruit salads, ice cream, and yogurt. If you want to be a little fancy, you'll have a blast including them in pies, jams, salads, dressings, oats, mocktails, muffins, cakes, and chia pudding.

6 Foods That Can Trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare-Ups

You’ve probably heard that following a well-balanced diet can help relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis like joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. But did you know there are also some foods you should avoid if you have rheumatoid arthritis? These foods can exacerbate your symptoms, provoke a flare-up, raise your risk of complications, and impact the amount and type of medication you need to take.


What you eat matters when it comes to managing your condition. Your food choices can help manage inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis in your body that provoke pain and swelling in your joints as well as damage in your heart and other organs.


It’s essential to increase your consumption of healthy anti-inflammatory foods such as fish, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. At the same time, you need to avoid foods that increase inflammation. Stay away from these foods to help lower inflammation and improve your RA:


1. Foods and beverages that are high in sugar 

High-sugar foods play a big role in exacerbating autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis. People who drink more than one sugary soda a day are 63 percent more likely to get rheumatoid arthritis than those who drink less than one sugary soda drink a month. Check food labels for sugar content and don't forget about sugars that go by other names like fructose and sucrose.


2. Foods high in sodium (salt)

The inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis can damage your heart as well as your joints. Sodium puts a big stress on your heart by retaining extra fluid in your body, which can increase your blood pressure. Plus, the corticosteroid medications that many patients take to treat rheumatoid arthritis can also make the body retain sodium. 


Limit the amount of sodium to 1500 milligrams a day. Beware when ordering in or eating out. Americans get most of their salt from processed foods and restaurant meals.


3. Alcoholic beverages

A moderate consumption of alcohol (less than one glass of wine or beer a day) can help reduce your risk of rheumatoid arthritis. If you already have rheumatoid arthritis, resveratrol, a compound contained in red wine, might help reduce inflammation, but it’s important to limit the amount of alcohol you consume when you have rheumatoid arthritis. 


Many medications used to treat rheumatoid arthritis don’t mix well with alcohol. These include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which raise the risk of stomach issues like bleeding and ulcers when you drink. If you’re taking methotrexate, you should stay away from alcohol to lower your risk of liver damage. 


4. Foods rich in saturated fats and trans fats

Inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis raises your risk of heart disease. Foods rich in saturated fats (cheese, red meat, and processed snacks such as potato chips) can increase your cholesterol levels and raise your risk of heart disease and stroke. 


Moreover, the trans fats found in fried foods, stick margarine, processed snack foods, frozen breakfast products, crackers, donuts, and cookies can provoke body-wide inflammation. Avoiding these unhealthy fats is essential for heart health, and doing so may also help people with rheumatoid arthritis find some relief.


5. Oils that are rich in omega-6 fatty acids

Oils high in omega-6 fatty acids like vegetable oils can exacerbate RA-related inflammation. Reducing your consumption of omega-6s to less than 90 milligrams daily can help you relieve symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis. But don’t confuse sources of omega-6 fatty acids with healthy omega-3-rich foods. Some oils, like corn and olive oils, contain both types of fatty acids.


6. Processed foods

A clean diet that restricts processed foods can lower RA-related inflammation in the body significantly. Clean foods are those that closely resemble what it looked like when it sprouted in the ground or on the branches of a tree. Ingredients are all recognizable, and there are a few if any additives or preservatives. The goal is to eat foods that are pesticide-free and from locally grown sources. 

7 Debunked Myths About Infertility

Fertility issues may be frustrating and challenging for any relationship. Reproduction is such a delicate (and emotionally charged) issue that it's a breeding soil for misconceptions. Some couples want to get pregnant so desperately that they'll go to any length to acquire it, whether it's listening to old wives' tales about what to eat to get particular sex or Googling their issues for hours on end to find answers from more questionable blogs. 


But the last thing you need to do is search through shady blogs to determine what is true and what is false. In this article, we have gathered seven debunked myths about infertility that you shouldn't believe in.


1. Only women can be infertile

Men and women are equally affected by infertility. Approximately 25% of infertility is caused by the male partner, 25% by the female spouse, 25% by a mix of both male and female factors, and 25% by an unknown reason.


2. Being on the pill decreases the ability to get pregnant later in life

There is no scientific evidence that using oral contraceptives has a negative long-term effect on fertility. If you're having trouble becoming pregnant, it's most likely due to anything else. It is critical to know that if you stop taking birth control to prepare for pregnancy, you should regularly track your menstrual cycle.


If your periods do not return to normal after 3-4 months of discontinuing birth control, you should consult a gynecologist, since being on the pill might disguise symptoms of illnesses such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).


3. Infertility is uncommon

Infertility is far more frequent than most people assume. One in every eight couples experiences infertility. Problems with fertility affect roughly 6.7 million women in the United States. One in four women will have a miscarriage at some point in their lives. If you have more than one miscarriage, this may signal that you need to seek specialized reproductive treatment.


4. Lifestyle doesn’t affect fertility

Women who are significantly underweight or overweight, with a BMI of 30 or higher, may have difficulty conceiving. Overweight men may also have reproductive issues. A healthy weight and a well-balanced diet will assist you in conceiving. 


Quitting smoking, avoiding drinking, and abstaining from illegal drug usage can all help. Medications and medical disorders such as diabetes can have a role, so consult your doctor. Improving fertility can sometimes be as easy as changing medications.


5. Age affects only female fertility

While it is true that women's fertility declines with age, they are not the only ones who see fertility changes as they age. Between the ages of 32 and 37, women's fertility drops significantly, often by as much as 50%. Male infertility, like female infertility, rises with age. After the age of 40, a man's sperm volume and motility are probably going to start decreasing.


6. Irregular cycles indicate infertility

Many women are concerned that they are infertile if their periods are irregular. However, the odd irregular cycle is fairly prevalent. Disruptions in sleep, exercise regimen, and stress levels can all affect the delicate hormonal balance that regulates the menstrual cycle.


While irregular periods may not always indicate infertility, they might make conceiving difficult. Ovulation, which occurs around 14 days before your next period, is the best time to have sex; if your cycle is irregular, timing sex might be difficult. If this is the case, it's best to see your gynecologist as soon as possible, especially if you've gone more than three or four months without a period.


7. If you have one child, you can't be infertile

A previous successful pregnancy does not ensure a successful pregnancy the second time around. Secondary infertility is highly prevalent and may be extremely difficult for couples trying to have a sibling.

Top 6 Ways to Tackle Crooked Teeth You Should Be Aware Of

Many people, regardless of their age, can have uneven or even severely misaligned teeth from birth or due to severe dental problems. You could have crooked teeth for a variety of causes, such as heredity, poor dental hygiene, thumb-sucking during childhood, or injury-related tooth damage.


While there are many factors that might lead to misaligned teeth, there are also many ways your smile could be brought back to normal. Your self-confidence may be greatly impacted by having your teeth straightened, and doing so can also prevent major dental health problems from occurring down the road. Here are the five cosmetic dentistry solutions for crooked teeth that you might want to consider:


1. Dental bonding

Dental bonding is a short treatment that may make your smile more aesthetically pleasing. Your teeth must first be covered in composite resin before being sculpted into the proper form. Bonding can help eliminate empty spaces between teeth and fix severely stained teeth, giving your smile a more unified appearance.


2. Veneers

If your teeth are abnormally shaped and you strive for immediate changes but don't want to remove any teeth or undergo other invasive procedures, veneers are a fantastic option. Veneers are very thin porcelain or composite resin shells that are attached to the fronts of your teeth. Your dental specialist will shave off a tiny layer of the enamel prior to applying your veneers in order to provide a flat surface for them to adhere to. With the right maintenance, veneers are a durable cosmetic option that may endure for up to 20 years.


3. Braces

One of the most popular ways to straighten misaligned teeth is with braces. Conventional metal braces involve fixing special brackets to the fronts of your teeth. In order to move teeth into the right position over the course of several months or years, wires and rubber bands join the brackets together.


Braces can assist in the treatment of dental issues such as overcrowding, overbites, and underbites by moving teeth into a more aligned position. However, they may make it harder to practice proper dental hygiene due to their design.


4. Clear aligners

Clear aligners are a more discrete choice for teeth straightening than traditional braces. This type of treatment employs clear plastic trays that are specially fitted to your teeth and progressively reposition them into their proper location. Because aligners are virtually invisible, most people will not know you are wearing them.


5. Contouring

Dental contouring sometimes referred to as tooth reshaping, can smooth out slight imperfections in the form, length, or surface texture of your teeth. The front teeth are often the ones that undergo tooth contouring, which is frequently utilized to repair chipped and correct somewhat crowded and gapped teeth.


The dentist will remove a tiny layer of enamel from your tooth using a rotating tool called a bur. The process is short and not at all painful. Most of the time, anesthesia is not required.


6. Crowns

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that completely encases your tooth's visible structure above the gum line. Crowns are a common restorative option employed in cases of serious tooth decay or damage to the teeth. They might also extend short teeth to make your smile look more even.


Crowns can be created from a variety of materials, including porcelain or ceramic in accordance with your financial situation, aesthetic choices, and oral health requirements. Crowns are a strong, realistic-looking solution to hide various dental flaws and increase the structural strength of your teeth.

What to Know About Enameloplasty

Enameloplasty is a cosmetic dentistry procedure in which small amounts of tooth enamel are removed to reshape the teeth. This is also known as dental contouring or odontoplasty.


The dentist essentially files or sands down the surfaces of the teeth during this procedure to correct chipped teeth or to improve the symmetry and appearance of your smile.


Enameloplasty is a popular cosmetic procedure that is painless and noninvasive. If you're thinking about having this done, it's critical to understand the fundamentals of how it works, the risks, and the recovery process, which this article will go over.


Following the removal and reshaping of teeth, they are polished and whitened to remove discoloration and add a lustrous appearance. This results in a bright, even, and appealing smile.


Does It Hurt?

Enameloplasty is a painless procedure because there are no nerves within the outer enamel of teeth (the portion that is sanded, filed, or otherwise removed). Anesthetic is not usually required, but if you are nervous about the procedure, you can request it.


How Long Does It Take?

While much depends on the specific work being done, most enameloplasty procedures in the dental office last about a half hour.


What Is Recovery Like?

Because enameloplasty is a painless, noninvasive procedure, there is no special care required during recovery. You can resume your normal eating and drinking habits, but be aware of any adverse side effects, such as temporary sensitivity to hot or cold.


How Often Do You Need Enameloplasty?

Enameloplasty is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that has permanent results. The number of procedures required to correct unevenness or other issues with your smile will be determined by the scope of the work. For the majority of people, one procedure should suffice.


Enameloplasty Cost

A variety of factors influence the out-of-pocket costs of dental contouring procedures. These are some examples:

- Insurance coverage. Many insurance plans will not cover cosmetic procedures. They may, however, provide partial coverage if the enameloplasty is used to repair teeth that have been chipped due to accidents or falls.

- The extent of the work. The amount and scope of the work required can also have an impact on how much you're charged for contouring. The procedure typically costs between $50 and $300 per tooth.

- Additional procedures. Tartar and plaque on the teeth must be removed prior to an enameloplasty. In these cases, a standard cleaning appointment is required, which can increase costs.


Learn what is covered by speaking with the staff at your cosmetic dentist's office as well as a representative from your insurance company.


Side Effects of Dental Contouring

Although the procedure is painless, some side effects may occur. The enamel layer is only about 2.58 millimeters thick after treatment, leaving little room for error. Side effects include increased tooth sensitivity, increased decay risk, yellow teeth, increased tooth fragility, and easier chipping and cracking.


The Bottom Line

Enameloplasty is a safe and effective procedure for making cosmetic changes to teeth. Overall, the outlook is very positive; most people have no side effects or other issues following this procedure. Typically, no recovery time is required.


Enameloplasty, also known as odontoplasty or dental contouring, corrects minor tooth shape issues. Cosmetic dentists remove small amounts of enamel to correct chips, pointy teeth, and other shape irregularities. Enameloplasty is a painless procedure that takes about 30 minutes and requires little recovery time. Despite the possibility of some side effects, enameloplasty is a safe and effective minimally invasive procedure.


Along with other cosmetic dentistry procedures, enameloplasty can help you improve your smile. It is well-tolerated and painless, and it has assisted countless people in correcting minor issues with their smiles. This procedure can help you regain your self-esteem. Discuss with your dentist the benefits of enameloplasty and other cosmetic dentistry procedures.

What to Know About Fibroids and Pregnancy

Whether you are already pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or simply considering a future pregnancy, learning that you have one or more uterine fibroids can be concerning. You may be wondering what, if anything, you should do to treat uterine fibroids during or before pregnancy, whether those treatments are even safe, and how treating fibroids affects your chances of later becoming pregnant.


Uterine fibroids rarely interfere with pregnancy. They can, however, present difficulties depending on their location.

Can I get pregnant if I have uterine fibroids?

Yes. Fibroids affect only 5-10% of infertile women. In other words, it is not a primary cause of infertility, and having fibroids does not guarantee that you will have difficulty getting pregnant.


However, it is important to note that fibroids can disrupt both conception and implantation. Uterine fibroids can interfere with pregnancy in a variety of ways. This includes sperm-blocking anatomical abnormalities, changes in normal uterine contractions, anti-inflammatory responses, and uterine lining changes.


Should I treat uterine fibroids before I get pregnant? 

Yes, in theory. If you are diagnosed with fibroids outside of pregnancy and your doctor determines that the size or location of your fibroids may interfere with your chances of conceiving or carrying a baby to full term, it is best to have them surgically removed before becoming pregnant. However, the timing of that treatment should be coordinated with your doctor.


You should try to schedule the surgery around the time you want to conceive. Otherwise, you risk having more fibroids or fibroid regrowth if you wait too long after surgery to try to conceive.


How do fibroids influence pregnancy?

In many cases, fibroids have no effect on pregnancy, but their size can sometimes interfere with your prenatal care.


It can be difficult to measure the size of the baby and assess fetal growth if they are extremely large, so we may need to perform regular ultrasounds to ensure the baby is growing normally.


Furthermore, fibroids can increase your risk of placental issues such as placental abruption and placenta previa. The other issue to be concerned with during pregnancy is the growth of existing fibroids; increases in hormone production during pregnancy can cause changes in the size of fibroids, whether they are larger or smaller.


Can I treat fibroids during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to treat fibroids during pregnancy; most surgical procedures on the uterus will only be performed in rare cases to protect the baby.


Your doctor will most likely advise you to manage any pain symptoms during pregnancy conservatively, which may include getting more rest and taking pregnancy-safe pain relievers.


How do fibroids affect delivery?

While many pregnant women have fibroids and no complications during pregnancy, there are still risks, such as preterm labor and postpartum hemorrhaging.


Because fibroids enlarge the uterus, you may be predisposed to preterm labor if they are large. For the same reason, there is an increased risk of abnormal bleeding during delivery, and the uterus may not contract as easily as a non-fibroid uterus after delivery.


Because fibroids in the lower segment of the uterus can cause the baby to present in a breech position, increasing your chances of needing a C-section, the location of your fibroids can affect the outcome of your baby's birth.


What should I do about my fibroids after pregnancy?

That is dependent on what happens to them after pregnancy, because the hormonal changes associated with childbirth and breastfeeding may aid in the shrinkage of fibroids.


However, if your fibroids persist after delivery, the standard fibroid treatments used for non-pregnant women are still relatively safe. However, it is advised to wait at least six months postpartum before undergoing any surgical procedures to allow the uterus to heal and shrink back to its normal size.